Kelvin & Kayla's wedding was just amazing! I loved all the special touches in the bride's room.
Each bridesmaid had a place at the table with a framed name marker.
Here's Kayla's with her boquet. Check out the bling on the stems!
Some dress detail.
More bling-bling on the shoes!
Kayla always looks great, but she's especially beautiful here.
I think this is my favorite picture of her. I love the look in her eyes.
Entering the reception, on to the first dance. Be sure to watch the slideshow. The gazebo they danced under was really amazing!
Now, I don't usually follow couples home after the wedding, but I wanted to show you Kelvin and Kayla's new home. Love this!
Wedding: High Praise Worship Center, Callaway, Florida
Reception: Callaway Arts and Conference Center, Callaway, Florida
Click here to watch the slideshow with a lot more pictures!