Phillip and I just got back from an amazing weekend in Castine, Maine. Our dear friends, Rosemary and David Wyman moved there a few years ago, and our trip was to catch up and visit with them.
I can't really describe this place. It feels like somehow you got transported back in time about a hundred years. Back to a time where the neighbors all know each other, nobody locks their doors, and you walk just about everywhere you need to go.
The weather was beautiful, and the weekend went quickly! Check out the slideshow of images

The leaves were beautiful! we got there just as the leaves were turning inland. The coastal areas were still pretty green.

and how about THIS for a summer home? this lighthouse at Pumpkin Island was sold as a private residence. Can you imagine buying a house on an island in the middle of the bay?
We ate lobster everyday, and even brought some home with us.