Twitter Updates

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Did I already tell you, I LOVE BABIES!! It still amazes me how such a little person can change those around her so much. I'm amazed at their little features and expressions, and the distinct personalties each one of them has at such a young age. What an amazing gift from God and a blessing these little ones are!

Here's Sophie.

You can see more of Sophie

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Okay, I am so blessed!! I had the opportunity to spend time with Beautiful Rhiannon, and I want to share a short little slideshow I put together.

Click here to watch the slideshow.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Isabella Update - 3 months

okay, I can't help it! we're going to watch Isabella grow up together! Here are a few photographs from her three month session. What a beautiful, expressive, special little girl!

isn't this last one adorable? it looks like she's making a little heart with her hands to tell mommy and daddy that she loves them!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Undivided has a new CD project coming out soon, and YAY - I was chosen to photograph them for it! or should I say we got together and had church in the studio!

we had such a blast! It's awesome when you plan on an ordinary day at work, and God shows up in a mighty way!

I've posted a few of my favorite photographs from the session, but when the project design is completed, I'll post a link to it!